• Question: Could this process of cell copying be used to transfer cells to others who are sick and therefore take this cell medication which would act like white blood cells and help destroy the virus in a quicker manner

    Asked by to Amelia on 17 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Amelia Markey

      Amelia Markey answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Really good question! 🙂

      Well I’m not actually copying the whole cell, just the DNA. But there is something that is similar to what you are suggesting.

      Antibodies. Some vaccinations that you get are an inactive form of the virus you are vaccinating against but some injections are antibodies. These help boost your body’s immune response as you are giving it the antibodies you need to kill the virus. Giving an inactive form of the virus or just part of the virus in a vaccination means that you don’t get the disease/infection but your body does recognise it as a virus and so tries to attack it. Your body is really clever and once you have been infected with something and fought it off you can either be immune (which means you won’t get ill if you get infected again) or your body will be much better at fighting off the virus if it ever sees it again. It’s a bit like playing a video game. You’re better at beating the baddies second time because you remember how you did it first time!

      Hope that answers your question 🙂
