• Question: how is cannabis bad for you, when it makes you happy???

    Asked by emo2k11 to Amelia, Jim, Liz, Prateek on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jim Caryl

      Jim Caryl answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      There are plenty of things that can make you happy, indeed many chemicals that can make you happy, all be it artificially by manipulating cells in the brain to release hormones that make you feel happy.

      However, relying on external stimulants effects your ability to generate natural feel-good responses, and makes you dependent on those chemicals. Rather than enjoying the steady supply of your own natural, healthy happiness, the chemical approach is sought more and more, and the problem with such drugs is that they rarely have just one effect on the body; the nature of these other effects may be known in some cases, like increasing psychosis or other mental-health disorders in those with a pre-disposition towards it; ironically, it can also make you depressed.

      You can read some more about effects here: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinfo/problems/alcoholanddrugs/cannabis.aspx

      Cannabis still poses similar risks to smoking, and irrespective of the arguments made with regards how dangerous cannabis chemicals are, there is an ethical concern. Whilst cannabis is categorised as an illegal drug, its manufacture is illegal, this means there are networks of criminals involved with, and benefiting from, the trade of it. In an age where we seem very concerned about the provenance (origin) or many of our foodstuffs, clothes and services, where we don’t want people (or the environment) to have suffered to produce them, I would be concerned that there could be a trail of environmental and human damage involved in the production and selling of illegal material.

      For an ethical consideration alone, I don’t believe people should be using cannabis.

    • Photo: Amelia Markey

      Amelia Markey answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Jim’s right a lot of the chemicals in cannabis aren’t good for you and often it is mixed with tobacco which is well known for causing various types of cancers.

      Think of it like this….eating loads of cake, chocolate, sweets and ice cream would make you really happy (if you’re anything like me anyway ;)) but it would still be bad for you. Eating too much of fatty foods like these would make you put on weight would would lead to problems like increased blood pressure, increased risks of stroke and heart disease.

      So just because something makes you happy it doesn’t always make it good for you!
