• Question: how would the money help you in your research

    Asked by naqvint01 to Richard, Prateek, Liz, Jim, Amelia on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jim Caryl

      Jim Caryl answered on 12 Jun 2011:

      Well, if I won the money I would use it to help involve local school children in the types of interesting experiments I do. One experiment I suggested was to show you how many dirty-hand bacteria are on your hands by getting you to make a hand-print on a special jelly for growing bacteria. Whilst I could probably guess what will grow, I might find an interesting bacterium that I would then look at more closely in the lab and could be interesting in my research.

    • Photo: Amelia Markey

      Amelia Markey answered on 12 Jun 2011:

      My idea was for some of you to come to our labs and be a scientist for a day. I’ve not decided exactly what kind of experiments you’re going to do but maybe you’ll come up with some interesting answers. Really I want the day to be some fun for you and for you to learn what it’s like to be a scientist rather than to help me in my work. Although maybe you can think of something that I haven’t thought of which might help me!

    • Photo: Richard Badge

      Richard Badge answered on 12 Jun 2011:

      I’d like to spend the money telling more people about the busy jumping genes living in their DNA – I think its pretty cool idea that just under half of our DNA was made by these things and want to tell lots of new people…

      If this makes more people, more interested in their DNA then that would be a great outcome for me!


    • Photo: Lizzard O'Day

      Lizzard O'Day answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      The best part about being a scientist is encouraging the development of future scientists. The prize money would help me encourage underprivileged children to think about careers in science/technology. The dinero would go towards “Proyecto chispa” (project spark) the program I started that sends computers to orphanages in Latin America. The computers come fully loaded w/ learn science, math and physics games. Using the prize money we can send even more computers and we’d start the next generation of scientists on their path. One day I hope to participate in the cure to cancer- perhaps it will be my work but more likely it will be by encouraging others and seeing what they can do.

    • Photo: Prateek Buch

      Prateek Buch answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Science is nothing without tomorrow’s scientists – so I’d use the money to run a workshop for kids to come and see what it is that we do, have a go at some of the techniques we use, spend the days in the shoes (or should I say labcoat) of a scientist. I’d love to webcast some of the day’s activities to schools in countries that aren’t as lucky as you guys are, where they don’t get the chance to interact with scientists like we’re doing today – that way we can show kids all over the world that you don’t need mega-money or shiny labs to be a scientist – all you need is curiosity and a pipette 🙂
