• Question: if you had a super power, what super power wold it be?

    Asked by blueskittles96 to Amelia, Jim, Liz, Prateek on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jim Caryl

      Jim Caryl answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Heh, well I have to say that I was always pretty jealous of Wolverine’s ability to heal quickly.

      I’m forever getting bumps and scrapes when cycling, or when out and about taking photographs, or when cooking! This poses a bit of a problem with my work as I need to keep all cuts well covered so that I don’t get anything nasty in them.

      What about you, what would you have?

    • Photo: Amelia Markey

      Amelia Markey answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Like I said in the chat today it would probably be the ability to travel in time. I’d love to go back and see how creatures have evolved over time and what the first humans were like. But I’d also like to go forward and see how much further we can travel in space, how many diseases have been cured, whether we have managed to reduce global warming and what alternatives forms of energy we have found.

      I could also find out who wins I’m a scientist! 😉
