• Question: Where do you see humans in 100 years?

    Asked by stevie to Richard, Prateek, Liz, Jim, Amelia on 20 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by joycerl01, katiearis.
    • Photo: Richard Badge

      Richard Badge answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hmm in 100 years – living on the moon and starting to colonise Mars! Well at least I hope so…

      I think that we are getting a handle on the most damaging effects of humans on the planet, but not soon enough to avoid some changes in our climate. Also we are using up the planets resources faster and faster, so while I think it is important to reduce, reuse and recycle, the reality is that we will soon have to start looking for resources (metals, water, energy) off the surface of the earth.

      Being curious got me into being a scientist, and I think that it is a general human trait to want to explore and find out… This will, I think us lead us off the earth and out into our solar system, in the next 100 years…

      (Just my opinion of course!)


    • Photo: Amelia Markey

      Amelia Markey answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Love Richard’s idea that by that time we will leave Earth. If you look at the things that have been achieved in the last 100 years the sky is the limit for the human race providing we look after our planet.

      I can’t begin to imagine some of the cool technology we will have by then, if I could imagine it I’m sure I would be very famous and make a fortune for inventing 100 years worth of tech! 😉

      I really hope that in 100 years we will have dramatically reduced if not solved world famine by making better crops with the help of some clever research. I also hope that we will have found the cure for a lot of diseases and found some healthier ways of living. At the moment the drugs’ companies are having a bit of a trouble making some big drugs that will treat important illnesses so hopefully they are due some big breakthroughs!

      Although it’s a bit of a tangent from your question it really reminded me of a bit from Richard Dawkin’s book “The Ancestor’s Tale” where he describes a world after humans that is ruled by rats…enjoy!

      “A world without rodents would be a very different world. It is less likely to come to pass than a world dominated by rodents and free of people. If nuclear war destroys humanity and most of the rest of life, a good bet for survival in the short term, and for evolutionary ancestry in the long term, is rats. I have a post-Armageddon vision. We and all other large animals are gone. Rodents emerge as the ultimate post-human scavengers. They gnaw their way through New York, London and Tokyo, digesting spilled larders, ghost supermarkets and human corpses and turning them into new generations of rats and mice, whose racing populations explode out of the cities and into the countryside. When all the relics of human profligacy are eaten, populations crash again, and the rodents turn on each other, and on the cockroaches scavenging with them. In a period of intense competition, short generations perhaps with radioactivity enhanced mutation-rates boost rapid evolution. With human ships and planes gone, islands become islands again, with local populations isolated save for occasional lucky raftings: ideal conditions for evolutionary divergence. Within 5 million years, a whole range of new species replace the ones we know. Herds of giant grazing rats are stalked by sabre-toothed predatory rats.* Given enough time, will a species of intelligent, cultivated rats emerge? Will rodent historians and scientists eventually organise careful archaeological digs (gnaws?) through the strata of our long-compacted cities, and reconstruct the peculiar and temporarily tragic circumstances that gave ratkind its big break?”

    • Photo: Jim Caryl

      Jim Caryl answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      What an interesting question!

      Unfortunately it’s really hard to say for sure. I hope that the world population increase will have slowed, largely led by the increased weekly income of the poorest families in the world. With more wealth comes more education, and with more education people (particularly women) take more control over how many children they want to have. This was the prediction of the government’s chief scientific officer Professor Sir John Beddington, and there is some indication that aspects of this may come true, but it is hard to say.

      On the other hand you’ll find the two links below very interesting. This first link goes to a website with pictures of what people in the year 1910 thought the world would be like in the year 2000:


      This second link goes to a website with photographs made to look like they are taken in a future where climate change has changed the face of the planet (hover your mouse cursor over the photos to see a description of where they are):


      Well worth a look!

    • Photo: Lizzard O'Day

      Lizzard O'Day answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      hey! 100 years- I’d like to think humans will be “happier, healthier and wiser”. I think life as we know it will in someways be completely different. I bet we’ll be living on the moon, or at least going there for vacations. I think diseases like cancer will be eradicated and I think all kinds of new technology (flying cars) will have been created. I’m sure a whole new set of issues will develop for our future generations to tackle but it sure will interesting!
